I’ve been so busy with the studio and with speaking gigs, that I am behind on my blog. I’ve got a list of shoots that I’ve been meaning to post about and that list keeps growing. But I recently went on a spontaneous Caribbean cruise, and thought I’d share some of the images I created there.
A big group of friends were going on this cruise and asked us to come. I loved the idea for the photographic opportunities and chance to turn off my cell phone for a solid week, but we had said no because there were too many reasons why it didn’t fit into our calendars. However the night before the boat left, things seemed to just work out, so me and two other friends spontaneously just packed our bags and took a redeye flight to San Juan, Puerto Rico to see if we could somehow talk our way on the ship. After a crazy adventure in getting there, everything worked out and we stepped on board completely surprising everyone.
I packed my normal big bag of camera gear ready for any photographic opportunity, but ended up only using my small point-and-shoot because of the size and mobility. It’s more about how you use the camera than what camera you use.
Here are some of the images I created.
I love faces and portraits of people when I travel. Plus I like to walk and explore areas and absorb and photograph the abstract scenes that make you feel like you’re in a unique place.
I always take my own photos, using a self-timer and an extendable pole. I used to come home from places with lots of photos, but no photos of me because I’m the one behind the camera. Some years ago I’ve made it a resolution to always get photos of me too.
Here’s my taxi driver on one island. I aimed and shot this without looking through the lens. I really like how it turned out.
Yes, I packed my tux. It seems silly to take a tux on a boat, but since I wear it almost every day just hanging around my house anyway, I figured I’d take it.
And this last photo was taken by a friend using my camera. I really like this background and photographed a few people from this island here (as you can see above. ) Just ignore the fact that my foot is cut off. 🙂
Make sure you check out my main website, BryCox.com. And until next time, America.