
Miss Utah and Miss Teen Utah

Here are some of the cool images I did for the new Miss Utah and Miss Teen Utah International.  They were beautiful girls and a lot of fun to photograph.  This first one is one of my favorites, the two of them together.  I processed it with one of my personal effects and added some of my light fleurs to the corners as well as a custom edge.

And here are some of their individual images.  First Tiffany, Miss Utah International.

And here’s some of Dani, Miss Teen Utah International.

We did both of their shoots at the same time so that we could photograph them together as well.  Here’s one of my favorites of the full-lengths.

I wish them both luck, and hope that they both win in their divisions.

Well now is the time to schedule your portraits with Bry Cox Studio.  The weather is great and the gardens are green and looking amazing.  Give me a call to get something scheduled.  801-728-3317.

Thanks for looking and please browse my main website at (or more from my blog if you’re reading this in a separate feed reader

Vegas Fashion and Street Portraits

Oh wow!  I’ve missed some blogging.  But what a great way to get caught up, then with this post!  I recently taught a photographic workshop and created some very fun and fantastic images!  Here are a few of them…

This first set of images was to teach and demonstrate how to photograph women, how to light them, how to position them, and how to get great expressions that are real and exciting.

I then showed everyone how to post-process the images with some of my custom-made effects and edges.  I really liked this model.  I specifically picked her because she was fun and flirty and had a great look.  I loved her eyes and cheek bones.  We really got some great images!

This image was a great one for demonstrating how to create a real and custom painting, using a photograph.  I love how the dress and the background all work together.  The texture in this is awesome up close!

This image demonstrates my new ‘Holga’ Photoshop effect.  I wrote this effect to mimic the look that comes from using the old 120 plastic Holga camera.  It even mimics light leaks and lens aberrations too!  Very cool!

Same image but using another one of my custom-made effects.

For this next shoot I demonstrated making use of various types of experimental lighting.  Lighting should always compliment the subject, and always be under control, no matter what you’re using: sun, flash, reflector, softbox, umbrella, etc…  There’s never an excuse when you’re a professional.  Light should always compliment and work for the image, and not just be there to create an exposure.

So for this shoot I showed that no matter what we used for light, even using new and experimental equipment, the results should always be the same!

We demonstrated all sorts of different lighting equipment, both inside and out.  This image of her was taken outside using the hotel as a background.

This last photoshoot was done on the last night, very late at night after everything was over and done with.  It was actually a non-official shoot that we did on our own.  I wanted to do something down on the strip of Vegas, and found out that this model was LDS like me.  We sort of bonded for that reason and she was cool coming with me and a few friends to the strip at about 1:00 am in the morning in the pouring rain for a few last images before we all quit.We went to the Paris area because it had overhangs to block the rain and was also the least ‘cheap’ looking place in town.

This next image was shot down low using a very wide lens which elongated her legs, making her look taller.

These were taken just before we got kicked out of the area by casino security.  Apparently we can take all the photos we want with dumb cameras, but when you have a good camera, some gear with you, and a bit of an entourage, it suddenly is forbidden.  But that was fine.  It was late, cold, rainy, and we were getting tired.

On the way back to the car, we grabbed a couple more images in front of the fake Eiffel Tower.  This gal was a great model.  She really seemed to gather a crowd while we were photographing on the street.  We had a good time and had a great adventure.

Thanks to all these models for working with me, to all the photographers who came and supported the event, and thanks too to my friends for hanging with me and making the event so fun.

If you’re a photographer and would like to attend one of my events, please check out my speaking website for an updated schedule,  Also, if a big event isn’t your style or if there aren’t any events in your area, you can host a small and intimate event at your place as long as at least 8 photographers attend.  If you can get 8 or more there, you can attend for free!  Call me for more details.

Well thanks for looking and please browse my main website at my entire blog if you’re reading this in a separate feed reader

McKenzie’s Fashion Senior Portraits

I had a ball photographing McKenzie for her senior portraits.  She has a great style and look, which worked great for my fashion approach to high school seniors.  Seniors really dig and appreciate my magazine and fashion style, and I love the opportunity to be more funky.

The light on light look is incredibly difficult photographically, but looks fantastic!  For all those photographers who follow my blog, these were shot as is, without effects.  The trick is lighting things perfectly.  And as you can see, McKenzie’s features work perfectly for this washed out look!

We did a mix of fashion studio portraits juxtaposed with funky outdoor portraits — all available right here in one place at my studio which also has a outdoor English-style garden studio.  In this image, I’m only using the thick vegetation as a background for texture.

More outside with a change of clothes, and I had a hard time deciding if I liked this better with stark lighting and in color…

…or soft lighting and black and white.  Both are good for different reasons, and again McKenzie really pulled this off well!Then back inside for some more funky images,With so many great photographs from this sitting, it was hard to pick my favorites.  But even still, the entire shoot was a blast and McKenzie was a joy to work with.

If you’re a high school senior and would like some fantastic photographs, give me a call at 801-728-3317.  And feel free to check out my main website at (or my blog if you’re reading this in a separate feed reader

Fashion Work in Miami

I just got back from speaking and teaching at a photographic conference in Miami, Florida, where I was teaching the art of Fashion Portraiture.  My approach was to show photographers how to make women look amazing using custom lighting and posing that is specific to each woman’s face shape and body.  I also showed how to do this under varying lighting conditions: in the studio, out of the studio, with a windows, with reflectors, with portable lighting equipment, and even in direct sunlight on the beach.

The trick is to always create a spectacular portrait with complete control of light, and to do it under any lighting condition, and still have it custom for that person’s face shape and body.  Meaning great images anywhere…no excuses!

Here are some of the fashion portraits I created in Miami.

These first few images were created around the hotel using ‘other’ lighting techniques.  These ‘other’ techniques that I was showing was due to the fact that the original lighting equipment that was provided to me, DID NOT WORK!  But rather than waste time trying to dink around with the equipment, I went right into showing problem solving techniques, and how to still create stunning and correct lighting for the model in other ways.

These next two images are shown just as they were shot, with no effects!  I was showing a very high-key style of lighting using some special equipment, and exposing for the final image.

Here are just some black and whites done in a very sassy and fun way.

These two studio images I was showing the use of shadow, color tone, and angles to highlight the eyes.

A very pretty and young high-school senior.  A fashion approach works great with high school senior photography.

This is a model from the country of Malta.  She has very exotic looking eyes and lips, so all of my images of her seemed to be closer to really show those features.  I have a great one of her below of her on the beach.

If you notice in my photographic work, I ALWAYS light people so that their eyes pop, no matter the situation.  Eyes are key to a great and emotional image.

Some images of a different model in direct sunlight, using docks and boats as a background.  Busy backgrounds and sunlight are both very difficult.  Both together are even harder.  These images show that both of these can work really well if done right.

And then back in the studio…

And this next image shows just how fun it is to work with me.  🙂

And the Maltese Princess again, but out on the beach.  Later that day I showed photographers this image directly in the processing software, so they could see that this was shot straight…no adjustments at all!  This was shot in direct sunlight on the beach with external lighting, and everything was set up manually — no auto flash, no auto exposure, no auto anything!

It shows photographers that we all need to be a technician and be more exact in or work, and that pays off in extremely difficult lighting situations like this — Perfect, right out of the camera!  Being a technician means having the ability to forget the equipment and work better with the model for a more stunning and captivation expression.

And this was just a fun art image I created on the beach and then painted in front of everyone later that day using some specific tools that I sell to photographers.

Well there are way more images, but this blog entry is already long enough.  This event in Miami was called AfterDark.  It is an event that travels the country and I’ll be doing more for them in the future.  If you are interested in attending this or any other of my photographic workshops, please visit my workshop site, to see my upcoming schedule.

New DVD Portfolio, Updated Website

I have a new portfolio DVD for 2009, and it is all finished and ready for you!  It is formatted for your large widescreen home theater so that you can view the images large and in the comfort of your own home.

Bry Cox - Portfolio DVD
Bry Cox – Portfolio DVD

This DVD includes specific slideshows on weddings, bridals, families, children, high school seniors, models, as well as some entire wedding albums so that you can see how I might tell the story of your day from start to finish.  You can order one for free right off my main website, here. (Click on Free DVD on menu.)

You can watch it on any DVD player or computer, both Mac and PC.  The music is amazing and was all written and recorded by my sister, Elise.  Each music score was specifically chosen for each slideshow to accentuate the mood of the images.  It is a wonderful DVD and I know you will all love it.

Note to photographers: I can understand how other photographers may want to frequent my site, and I appreciate that. However, I received thousands of requests from photographers for my last portfolio DVD, photographers not wanting to hire me but to get ideas for themselves.

If you are a photographer, please understand that I spent a lot of money and time producing these DVDs and am happy to give them for free only to clients and potential clients. I cannot respond to photographers requests for free DVDs, but you can certainly order them for a cost (along with many other photographic items) in the store part of my photographic workshop site.  Thanks for understanding.

And until next time, America!
— Bry

Trevor’s Senior Portraits

Yes, this week I’m working like crazy to finish a bunch of senior orders. 

One order I’ve been working on is for Trevor of Weber High.  Here are some of his awesome portraits.

I have very specific techniques for processing images when I do work for magazines.  I use those same techniques on senior portraits, and they tell me that they love having cool photographs that are different.

Enjoy these images of Taylor.  If you know him, ask him for some copies of these images…especially if you’re a cute girl.  I’m sure he’d like that.  🙂

Until next time, America!
— Bry

Jasmine’s Senior Portraits

It’s that time of year, when I’m swamped with senior portraits.  Here are some images I’ve been working on for Jasmine.

Jasmine plays the piano, so we did a series of images with a beautiful grand piano, wearing a dress that she designed and made with her mother.  I love this image above.  It has such great lines, beautiful lighting, a great composition, and the perfect expression!

I created this image to better show off the beautiful dress, using the piano as a secondary subject.  I love to do high school senior portraits, because I can be very creative, and the seniors love my style!

I’ll get some more image of other seniors up on the blog as soon as I get some free time, including some samples of guys too.

So if you’re an upcoming senior, schedule your session early.  Think about calling now to book your summer portrait sessions.  You’ll get the best portrait times and get a head start on creating some amazing portraits!

Until next time, America!