Trevor’s Senior Portraits

Yes, this week I’m working like crazy to finish a bunch of senior orders. 

One order I’ve been working on is for Trevor of Weber High.  Here are some of his awesome portraits.

I have very specific techniques for processing images when I do work for magazines.  I use those same techniques on senior portraits, and they tell me that they love having cool photographs that are different.

Enjoy these images of Taylor.  If you know him, ask him for some copies of these images…especially if you’re a cute girl.  I’m sure he’d like that.  🙂

Until next time, America!
— Bry

3 Responses

  1. Hi Bry,
    I had a great time getting my senior pictures done. You made it easy and I was very comfortable. Let me know if any cute girls respond..great fun and my mom LOVES the pictures!

  2. Had the picture on the right hanging on my fridge and all the girls would say, “Who is that!” Awesome pic’s!

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