Henry Diltz

Bry Cox Featured on BlackRapid Podcast

I was recently featured on the BlackRapid podcast. The episode is going live today but was recorded November 2020 during the Covid lockdowns.

In this episode I talk with Ron Henry (BlackRapid’s founder) about creativity, style, adding emotion to images, commercial photography, lighting, adapting during Covid, and motorcycles of course.

You can listen to this podcast in your favorite podcast players on your phone, or you can listen right here on the BlackRapid Podcast page:


Recording the BlackRapid Podcast

During Covid, one of the things I’ve been doing on the side is doing work for BlackRapid, including recording, engineering, and editing the BlackRapid Podcast. It’s been fun listening to Ron Henry interview great photographers and artists.

Some of these guests photograph Hollywood TV shows and movies (like Hopper Stone, Koury Angelo), others photograph iconic and famous bands (like Henry Diltz, Robert Knight, and Mark Doyle), and others are musicians and creatives (like Billy McCarthy).

I’m usually silent in the background, but occasionally you’ll hear me answer a question. But near the end on Mike Ridinger’s interview, I come in and we all talk about motorcycles and photography.

If you’re a creative, I highly recommend checking out this podcast to listen to some incredible artists.

Other Podcasts with Bry Cox

Over the years, I’ve been the guest on other photography and religious podcasts. I’ve made a page that links to all of them here if you’d like to hear more.

Until next time, America.