This week our LDS singles ward was broken up and we held one last party, a talent show on Monday night. There were a lot of wonderful performances by so many in our ward, and I participated by singing an original song.
I played the guitar and harmonica and posted a video of it on my facebook for my friends to see. A few people including my mom have since asked how they could see it or share it with people who weren’t my friends on facebook. So today I posted it on my YouTube channel and put it here in my blog.
I have written a lot of ‘love-gone-wrong’ songs over the years which is usually what I perform. Like the blues, they are always fun to listen to and play, and everyone seems to be in the mood for that kind of song, no matter where they are in life — if your relationship’s good or bad, you always like hearing the blues. Also, ‘love-gone-wrong’ songs are easier to perform as they don’t require me to open up my heart or show any vulnerability.
However, I have written some really cool love songs that I really like and feel are fantastic and moving. My favorites grow on me and get stuck in my head, yet I never play them in front of people because they seem too personal.
I admire my favorite songwriters, Neil Young, Bob Dylan, and Glen Hansard for their ability to write such great love songs. I am amazed at their ability to be honest in their writing and for their willingness to be vulnerable and open to playing them and sharing them with the public. It’s hard to play such deep and heartfelt songs in front of an audience knowing that many people will not even understand or appreciate them at all. It’s one thing to hide behind someone else’s song, but it’s another to play your own.
So (1) based on the inspiration of my favorite songwriters, and (2) feeling that I always need to push myself into new and uncomfortable territory in life, and (3) because girls said they wanted to hear a love song and appreciated seeing more of that side of me, and (4) realizing that this was the last time I would see some of good friends from my ward for some time, ………I played a love song!
It’s a song I wrote while missing someone. I was out of town on work, thinking of someone too much, and wrote this on the plane ride home looking out the window. I have for years had my seat preferences set up with Delta so that I always get the window seat. I love looking out at the world and taking that time to just think and ponder, and on this occasion with my head full of thoughts, I landed with a new and cool song.
(This photo was taken by Sister Sansom, the wife of my bishop. I appreciate her taking this as I never really ever get photos of myself, especially playing the guitar! Thank you, Sister Sansom!)
Well take a listen and tell me what you think. And let me know if you think I should put more posts up like this too. I was a musician before I was a photographer, and though photography is my life and business, I will always be an artist and music is a big part of that. The music side of me really helps the photography side. So on that ‘note,’ I’m off. Thanks for listening!
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