Bry Cox in PPA Magazine Again

Professional Photographer Magazine just came out, and I’m in it again!  They asked to use one of my images, which is actually one of my favorite images of all time.  It’s titled “Sax Man Joe” and is of an famous sax player from Utah named Joe McQueen.

Here is the page from the magazine (page 22).

It’s always an honor to be asked to be apart of this magazine, and I’m happy to have one of my all time favorite portraits in it too.

The subject of this photograph, Joe McQueen, is 90 years old and is still actively gigging.  During his life, he’s performed with jazz luminaries such as Charlie Parker, Chet Baker, Paul Gonsalves, Lester Young, Count Basie, Duke Ellington, Dizzy Gillespie, and others.

If you’re a professional photographer, you should get this magazine automatically.  Here is the cover so that you can spot it.

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