This week I photographed Wilford and Elva Zaugg for their 70th Wedding Anniversary. Their daughter called and set up the appointment, not knowing that the Zaugg’s were long-time friends of my parents since I was a child.
Wilford and Elva actually live around the corner from me and have since 1940 when they were first married. They raised 11 children, and now have 58 grandchildren and 80 great-grandchildren!
It was very fun to see these guys again. When I was young, Wilford owned a dairy and was the star in one of my mom’s church plays. Later in life he donated much of his land for a school and church.
During the appointment, Wilford told me how he still works with his hands creating custom pens out of wood. He even made many of the parts for his wood lathe that were needed for his fine custom work. He even brought me a pen as a gift, so I took a portrait of him and his custom wood pens.
It was an honor to be apart of their anniversary portrait and reception, and I know that these images are much appreciated by his family.
If it’s time for a portrait in your family, give me a call. And to see more of my work, check out my website at