Katherine: Photography for CD Design

I recently did the cover photograph for Katherine Nelson’s new CD, called “Most Requested.”  It is a beautiful album, released with Deseret Book under the Shadow Mountain Label and contains 10 of her most popular tracks from past albums.

BryCox - Katherine Nelson CD
BryCox – Katherine Nelson CD

Many of you will know Katherine as “Emma,” in the LDS movie “Joseph Smith, Prophet of the Restoration,” as well as the followup movie “Emma Smith: My Story.

Here is the entire image from the design.  This was created on my road, out in front of my studio, with the sun behind.

BryCox - Katherine
BryCox – Katherine

Katherine has a wonderful voice!  She has sung on a lot of LDS albums, sometimes as the lead and sometimes as backup.  I’m sure that if you do not at first recognize her name, that you would for sure recognize her fantastic voice as she has sung on many EFY CDs as well as for Kenneth Cope and other LDS artists.

It was fun for me too to see that she either wrote or co-wrote most of the songs on the album too.  Congratulations on the new album, Katherine!  I’m glad that you had me be a part of it.

LDS Radio Interview

I was interviewed recently on LDS Radio which is KSL’s HD 2 station, and is also an internet radio station found at radio.lds.org with podcasts and mp3 downloads.  That interview just aired today at 1:oo pm.  I got an email from someone that I was on the radio and turned it on to hear the last half of the show.  It was really fun!

LDS Radio - On Air
LDS Radio - On Air

I didn’t have a lot of information about the show, but just knew that the subject was ‘Creativity.’  This is a good subject for me because aside from working creatively as an artist, I’ve really had to analyze my creative approach over the years so that I could better teach creativity at the photographic workshops that I do all over the US and Canada (and now China).  I was glad that it was a subject that I felt prepared for.

When I arrived, I was happy that I knew the host already, Nancy Hanson, a local musician.  I’ve done design and portrait work for her over the years and have gotten to know her well from that as well as having mutual musician friends.  Here’s one of my favorite images I did of her a while back.

BryCox - Nancy Hanson
BryCox - Nancy Hanson

Also being interviewed was Vaughn Armstrong, who recently created a new LDS trivia board game.  I also know Vaughn personally because we were in the same singles ward a few years ago.  There was one other person being interviewed whose name I don’t remember now.  (I’m sorry!)  She has a blog and podcast about playing the ukulele all over the world.  The idea was to get us together and discuss and compare creative approaches in our different fields.

Me at LDS Radio (1)
Me at LDS Radio (1)
Me at LDS Radio (2)
Me at LDS Radio (2)
Me at LDS Radio (3)
Me at LDS Radio (3)

Thanks again to LDS Radio and Tamilisa for inviting me over and having me on.  It was a great experience and a real honor.  I hope to find the MP3 and link over to it when it is available for everyone to listen to.