
Patricia’s Exotic Wedding is Now Online

Patricia had her wedding in San Diego, California, reception nearby in La Jolla, and a second reception later in Utah at the Grand America. Her finished wedding album was a surprise from her parents to her for Christmas. And because I love my work better in person in a finished album, I held off on posting her images until her parents gave her the beautiful heirloom album.

It’s now safe to post these and I’m excited to do so because it is so fantastic! I can’t wait for you to see it. This image below was taken on the cliffs of La Jolla, and in person, looking at the album, you can see every wave in the distance, and feel the glow of the sun breaking through the clouds, and really feel the love of these two people.

There are some single images that take up double-page spreads in a dramatic way like this image below of the couple at the San Diego Temple. And though you can see the entire album on my website as of today, I will have this  album with me on January 19th at the free Salt Lake Premier Wedding Show.

I hope you can come see it, because nothing beats seeing one of my finished albums in person. This double-page spread below looks amazing close up where you can see the lighting, the clouds, the composition, and the expressions.

I try to keep at least 5 entire wedding album designs up on my website at any one time, but as of today I have SIX! I love showing the variety of albums that span brides with various ages, body shapes and styles, and images that cover their entire day with various conditions, sunny days, stormy days, daytime, nighttime, inside, outside.

No matter what, I want you to be happy and confident on your wedding knowing that I know how make you look great. Check out Patricia’s stunning and exotic wedding online and come see me on January 19th.

(Album can be seen at > Portfolio > Weddings > Wedding Albums > San Diego/Grand America)

Bry Cox Interviewed and Featured in Professional Photographer Magazine, October 2012 Issue

I was interviewed by Professional Photographer Magazine, a publication that goes out to all professional photographers throughout the US as well as other parts of the world as well. That interview is now out in the current October 2012 issue.

This is the cover (image is not by me), and below are some screen shots of my article where all the images are mine.

The article is humorously titled, “The Anti-Specialist” because where most photographers need to focus on one niche or another to succeed, my particular specialty has been to focus on exquisite lighting and emotion. I mix technical proficiency with a unique style of creativity to develop images that tell a story of the person being photographed, and hopefully makes the viewer feel like they know the person. It’s a uncommon approach that allows me to photograph a mix of genres well, like families, children, weddings, and even celebrities and VIPs.

For the opening spread, the magazine chose my images of Linda Rondstadt and Olympic Gold-Medalist, Rulon Gardner.

The last image used, is of 90 year old sax player, Joe McQueen. Interestingly, this is the second time this magazine has asked to use this image. I can see why as it really is one of my favorite portraits. It shows dramatically what exquisite lighting and emotion can do to make an image unique and inviting.

I really appreciate and feel honored to have been interviewed for the magazine, and I love the direction they took with the article. I hope other professional photographers find it interesting and helpful.

Well, until next time, America. 🙂